Welcome to Child Accident Prevention Jersey

First formed in 1996, Child Accident Prevention Jersey (CAPJ) is part of Family Nursing & Home Care (FNHC) and is funded through charitable donations. The Partnership was set up in response to the position at that time, whereby whilst many statutory and voluntary agencies contributed to child accident prevention, activities were largely fragmented and an ineffective use of diminishing resources.  

Under the management of FNHC, who also fund the role of a part time Co-ordinator, CAPJ works in partnership with a number of voluntary and statutory organisations, to ensure children in Jersey are safe from unintentional injury. Safety Sam is CAPJ’s larger-than-life mascot and he visits schools, fetes and events promoting child safety.

CAPJ strongly believes that children need opportunities to learn, explore and have fun whilst managing risk, and aims to provide education for all children up to 12 years of age, enabling them to do this. CAPJ is also available to parents and carers, childcare providers, educators, and anyone else who needs advice or information about keeping children safe.

Over each school year the CAPJ Co-ordinator delivers a number of talks to primary school children across the island. ‘Speak Dog and Stay Safe’ is for Year 1 children, ‘Make The Call’ is aimed at Key Stage 2 students and the ‘Safety Sam Comic talks’ are designed for children in Years 2 and 3.

Every July, CAPJ runs the annual Safety In Action event for over 1,000 Year 5 students. Working with CAPJ partners, the event features six fast, fun and interactive workshops covering Fire Prevention, Kitchen Safety, First Aid, Water Safety, Road Safety and Outdoor Safety. Each workshop provides important safety messages, information and life skills to keep children, their family and friends safe.

Current CAPJ Co-ordinator Mandy Le Tensorer has been in the role for over 10 years and loves her work, “I love being in schools and meeting all the children. It’s a great feeling knowing that the information we have delivered will help to keep them safe for years to come”.


View Safety Advice
Safety at Home

Get in Contact

For further information contact our CAPJ Co-ordinator Mandy Le Tensorer via email mandy.letensorer@fnhc.org.je or call 01534 497614.

CAPJ also has a dedicated Facebook page, just search for Child Accident Prevention Jersey.

CAPJ Partners